Undercharging the iPad

John Brownlee, referencing an email from Dr. Raymond Soneira which stated that the new iPad may continue to draw current (charge) for up to an hour after the display says "100%":

So if you’re charging your new iPad for eight hours every night, time to start charging it to 9 if you really want a full charge for the day ahead.

There are so many things wrong with this statement. How uncharged was the iPad when you plugged it in? "Up to" an hour does not mean a solid hour every time. Do you honestly need to charge every night? I charge my iPad and iPhone only every other day.

Dictation-Gate & Transparency

Ben Brooks:

Stephen Chapman pens a rather long post about the privacy concerns he sees with the dictation feature on the iPad. I am just as paranoid as the next guy (nope, probably more) and even I don’t see the problem here.

Chapman is trying to paint Apple has being shady about this, when that is far from the case.

Apple warns you that contacts and user data will be stored on their servers when you turn on the feature. That’s about as much as you can hope for.

This is what transparency is to me. Apple is as transparent about what they're doing as I think you can realistically expect someone to be.

Can One Tell The Difference Between iPad 2 & the new iPad?

Harrison Webster on a test to see if new iPad owners could tell the difference between theirs and an iPad 2:

But the fact that the resolutionary improvements aren’t so distinct goes to show just how powerful Apple’s marketing arm is.

The Apple Marketing Arm hasn't even kicked in. Maybe in the US, but here in Canada I have yet to see a commercial, billboard, or magazine ad.