Samsung Mocks Line-Standers
/US Smartphone Sales Q4 2011, according to NDP:
- Apple iPhone 4S
- Apple iPhone 4
- Apple iPhone 3GS
- Samsung GALAXY S II
- Samsung GALAXY S 4G
If you've seen Samsung's latest series of ads mocking iPhone users (culminating in an unbelievable Super Bowl ad) who standing line for a phone but are worried about people knowing they've upgraded, or if it has 4G, or bemoaning the lack of a pen.
FIrst of all, the idea that people lining up for an Apple product launch wouldn't already know this stuff is crazy-pants.
Secondly, the iPhone 3GS outsold the Galaxy S2 in Q4 2011. The phone that went on sale in Q2 2009 outsold the Galaxy S2. Suffice it to say that I doubt people in line at an Apple store are falling all over themselves to try the latest stylus tablephone. I would also wager that Samsung wouldn't be making fun of those line-standers if they had some of their own.
(via 9to5Mac)