eWeek Nails the iPad 3

I'll give eWeek 3/10. I know I agree with them on 4 counts, but Longer Battery Life was SO terrible a suggestion as to lower the overall score.

  1.  Siri - Would it be awesome? Yes. Will it happen? I'd like that.
  2. Different Screen Sizes - No.
  3. 3D Support - Are you kidding? Cause 3D adoption rates have been so strong in the TV industry. No.
  4. Glare Issues - This is the #1 reason iPad is having such a hard time gaining traction. No.
  5. Wireless Charging - Some of the stuff I've seen from WiTricity looks really outstanding. But if I have to have some wireless induction pad I have to put my iPad on I'm not interested. And even if they introduce wireless charging (in any method) they'll still have to ship a standard dock-connector charger for times when your induction source isn't handy. Put me down for a no on this one.
  6. Longer Battery Life - Are you serious!? iPad's battery puts the other to SHAME. Also, I'm sure Apple is delivering "as long a battery life as possible". Wow. No. Fail.
  7. Gorilla Glass 2 - I'm sure Jony Ive knew about it before you. Will it be in iPad 3? I'd go with 'yes'.
  8. Retina Display - I'm not totally sure where I stand on this. I know Apple will NOT do this if it make iPad thicker, heavier, or more expensive. I'm all for it, and my guess (with that monster cash hoard) is yes, it'll be in iPad 3.
  9. Vibration - I could take or leave this. I don't really feel like it adds that much to my iPhone gaming experience - or my PS3 gaming experience for that matter. I'll go with 'no'.
  10. NFC - On the iPad? No.

(via The Macalope)