
Sarah Perez, on 'Pull-To-Refresh":

And if you’re wondering why there’s been so much interest in this one patent app, when every tech company under the sun has stockpiles of patents at their disposal, it comes down to the nature of the interaction being published. It’s a feature that feels so obvious, so natural, and so much like the way things are supposed to work on iOS devices, that many assumed it would eventually be translated into the core Apple apps. It feels like something Apple itself should have patented, then graciously suggested to iOS developers and designers that it’s the preferred way to refresh data in their apps.

I am so annoyed that iOS Mail and Safari apps don't have this feature. I couldn't agree with the above statement more.

Twitter Terrorism


Matt Brian:

It is widely known that law enforcement agencies are turning to social networks to monitor citizens but one UK Twitter user saw a joke tweet land him in hot water, as he was detained by Homeland Security in Los Angeles, interrogated and barred from the US, The Sun reveals.

I'm sure that Terrorists are advertising their plans on Twitter - you know, cause they want to get caught and be unsuccessful. I wonder how many other "dangerous" tourists the TSA and DHS have stopped...

(via TheNextWeb)