Marco Rips Antone

Marco Arment on ReadWriteWeb's follow-up article about the Retina MacBook Pro:

Actually, it’s pretty clear that Gonsalves is not an Apple customer, and doesn’t want to consider why all of us stupid consumer sheep keep falling for Apple’s “marketing”. And it says a lot about ReadWriteWeb that they’d allow someone so blatantly unqualified to write two inflammatory Apple articles with their logo on top.


Address Book Permissions

Marco Arment:

Apple needs to change the Address Book API to require user permission first, like Core Location and Push Notifications do. I don’t care how many applications break as a result. Not requiring user permission to date should be treated as a security hole and patched promptly.

I agree. If any app wants access to my personal data it should ask me. I'm actually surprised this hasn't been addressed before.


Siri Reliability


Marco Arment:

Anecdotally, I’ve had about a 50% failure rate recently.

Ben Brooks:

Same here...

This hasn't been my experience at all. Maybe because I'm in Canada, I'm not sure. But I've only found Siri to be getting better and better. I has begun to understand nicknames and recognizes people better than ever. Still, curious.