The End Of Apple: Part 72

John Moltz:

I’m sure we’ll be treated to a host of opinions this week about how [the new Genius Ads are] another sign of Apple’s impending doom. Just like whatever happened last week was.

Personally, I like the ads. The world of computers is very confusing to the average consumer. I'm sure many consumers are talked out of Macs, iPads and iPhones by salesmen who make a larger commission on PC sales. I personally serve as tech support for many, many regular people who get confused by Software Update and Hot Corners. And even though I'm sure (picture an eye roll there) Steve is rolling in his grave I'll wait and see what the general consumer reaction to the new set of ads is. Don't forget, as John Pointed out earlier in his piece, we need to judge Apple against other ads, not Apple's own - that bar is too high to meet every time a new series comes out. Not everything is "Get A Mac" or "Think Different".