Samsung/Apple UK judgment

This whole thing is so stupid I can't even handle it. The UK court wants Apple to apologize to Samsung on the Apple UK homepage for giving Samsung months and months of free adverts and fodder for ads with additional space on Apple's site. I understand why Apple was upset with what Samsung had done (and continues to do), but they gave the South Korean electronics manufacturer a metric tonne of publicity (I was going to say "free publicity", but it wasn't). None-the-less Samsung's Galaxy Tab line went from 'just another tablet' to front-and-centre. They should be thanking Apple, especially since Californian tech giant lost it's case in Europe, leaving that territory rife for the selling.

Maybe they'll make back what they lost in the US...

"Market Share"

Eric Slivka:

According to IDC, Samsung remains the number two tablet manufacturer behind Apple, but despite strong 117.6% year-over-year shipment growth still saw its tablets outsold by the iPad by a margin of 7-to-1.

Say it with me now, "Shipments mean nothing". I could not possibly care less how many Galaxy Tabs Best Buy purchased last quarter. How many of those ever made it off the shelf and out of the box? Apple is selling all those iPads... can the same be said for whatever else is being made? When I go to Best Buy there must be 25 tablets on display. No one ever uses them. But the iPad display is crowded every time I go there. I'd like, just once, to see "Market Share" numbers that reflect actual in-the-hands-of-end-users market share. Just once.

Galaxy Tab is Third

Jordan Crook on tablet market share:

Meanwhile, Samsung’s Galaxy Tabs and Barnes & Noble’s Nook Tablet took the third and fourth spots, with 8 percent and 7 percent shares respectively.

I don't know about the Nook, but I've never seen one in the wild. And though I have never seen a Galaxy Tab in anyone's hand or known anyone who uses one I have seen dozens of them posted to Craigslist in the last few weeks. Every electronics retails in BC is giving away Galaxy Tabs. I guess they're selling really well?

Galaxy Tab 2

Chris Velazco:

While the news of a new Android 4.0 tablet is enough to get some gadget fans all hot and bothered

This is the problem with non-iPad tablets and, really, non-Apple tech. Checklists and Spec Sheets are what makes a product great. Fit, finish, and user experience don't seem to matter to anyone who reviews these things, but they do matter to everyone who uses them.

For the last couple months everyone in Vancouver has been giving away the Galaxy Tab 10.1. Buy a phone? Get a tab! Sign up for internet? Get a tab! Cable TV? Get a tab! I recently signed up for a new Cable/Internet plan and was offered a Galaxy Tab. A quick check of craigslist (which is absolutely flooded with them — 10+ Galaxy Tabs are posted every day as near-new or BNIB) and we took the prepaid credit card.