Again with the iPad Mini?

Killian Bell reports on the new crop of iPad Mini rumors:

iPad mini will feature a 7.85-inch IGZO display from Sharp, and will start at just $249.

With that kind of price tag, the iPad mini is in a perfect position to fend off any threat from the recently released Google Nexus 7, or the upcoming Kindle Fire 2. Sure, it’s $50 more expensive than its $199 competitors, but you can bet you’ll get a lot more bang for your buck.

I'm holding my breath.

Well, when you're wrong, you're wrong. M.G. Seigler:

As for Steve Jobs implying Apple could never do a smaller tablet because users would have to whittle down their fingers to use it — welcome to Steve Jobs and Apple. Jobs saying that was just as good of an indication that Apple may eventually move into the space. And now it sure looks like they’re getting ready to.

There is just too much buzz coming from too many sources to be based on pure speculation at this point. I still feel like Jobs was right about a 7-inch tablet being a "tweener" but I'll surely be playing with one when (if) it comes out.