iPad Mini

Yesterday John Gruber linked to an article by A.T. Faust which goes through the reasons a 7.85" iPad Mini would make sense. It is a solid and well-reasoned argument. But then Faust drops this:

Folks who want an iPad — and, most importantly, can afford an iPad — will buy one. Selling a less expensive, smaller (but still manageably large) tablet will neither cannibalize iPad sales nor displace the need for the iPod touch, and it opens a big door for anyone who wants the true iPad experience but doesn’t have true iPad money. It’s a win-win scenario.

I disagree. This sounds like compromise to me. Compromise = failure. Steve Jobs said at the launch o the original iPad that unless a product is better for something it has no reason for being. If that reason is solely to be more affordable, then I can't see it happening. Portability, weight, battery life, all of these things may come into play. I'll wait and see what happens, but colour me skeptical.